JRY Jenni Rawlings JRY Jenni Rawlings


High intensity interval training is an excellent way to get your heart rate up and increase your explosive strength. Marian's alternating TABATA and BURN classes, which focus on alignment and form, are designed to help you do just that. Large-muscle cardio and strength moves alternate between short bursts of high-intensity exercise with a shorter recovery interval. Modifications are shown for different fitness levels. Each class ends with a core/back and flexibility segment to provide a full body workout in 45 minutes.

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JRY Jenni Rawlings JRY Jenni Rawlings


Marian’s alternating Strength (45 minutes) and Foundations (55 minutes with a focus on a weekly movement skill) are all about putting your body in the right place, then bringing muscles close to failure to build strength without injury, and improving bone density and balance. This can be done with lighter weights for beginners or heavier weights for those who are more advanced.

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JRY Jenni Rawlings JRY Jenni Rawlings

Pilates Mat

Marian's contemporary Pilates training makes each Mat class different. She combines her knowledge of the body and movement, with the classical principles of Joseph Pilates including centering, breath, concentration and control, to give a well rounded Mat practice that will strengthen the core, or “powerhouse”. Marian offers modifications for those with osteopenia or osteoporosis. Appropriate for mixed levels.

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