About Marian Lally

Marian is in perpetual motion. A former ballet dancer, she later turned in pointe shoes for sneakers to become a certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor.

She learned first-hand how moving incorrectly can cause pain and injury, forcing one to modify their exercise routine or pause things they love to do most. After years of studying the human body through her comprehensive Pilates certification, Balanced Athlete® training, and personal training, she developed the skills to identify her clients’ misalignments and weaknesses and how to address those issues through proper movement.

Her ability to cue what to do - and what not to do - gets proven results for athletes in their teens through those in their +80s who want to move well and avoid chronic pain. Marian looks at the whole person -- occupation, lifestyle, hobbies, diet, and sleep patterns.

She has navigated illnesses and injuries and reduced her own chronic inflammation through changes in her diet. Her workout programs are given in easy-to-understand ‘bites’ with explanations for why she feels they’re important. She’s helped countless people live a better life with energy and improved well-being.

With 20+ years in the fitness industry, Marian has a deep understanding of human anatomy and proper alignment. Known for her ability to strengthen even the most compromised or challenged individuals, she pays close attention to how her clients move and has the knowledge to help correct issues. Doing it this way, not that way will help you gain strength, mobility and power while lessening your chance for injury. This is what Marian loves to do!

Marian’s Thoughts on Food and Diet

Marian’s fitness includes understanding how food can affect how the body performs and feels. She herself began to develop some health issues at a relatively young age (one of which was chronic inflammation, which likely contributed to all the injuries she had early in her career). Gradually cutting back on inflammatory foods like sugar, white flour and anything highly processed, provided incredible results reversing her health issues without the use of medication. 

Her knowledge about ‘food-as-medicine’ came from two immediate family members being diagnosed with Lyme (Borrelia), Bartonella, Babesia, and other tick borne illnesses. Food choices have been an essential part of their on-going recovery from this misunderstood disease. As a result, she is incredibly innovative in the kitchen preparing whole food, mostly plant-based recipes that can be adapted to be gluten-free, dairy-free, low histamine––you name it.


  • Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher (NCPT), formerly the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA)

  • Balanced Body ® Comprehensive Certified Pilates Instructor

  • American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer

  • ACE Certified Group Exercise Instructor

  • Balanced Athlete ® Certified Level 1 & 2 Coach and Teacher Trainer

  • Tabata Bootcamp ™  Certified Instructor

  • Remote Instructor Certification (by Cycle Fusion)

Currently working toward certification for the Pilates Suspension Method (PSM)